Terms and Conditions
Article 1: General Provisions
This e-commerce webshop offers its customers the opportunity to purchase the products from its online store online. These General Terms and Conditions ("Conditions") apply to any order placed by a visitor to this e-commerce webshop ("Customer"). Additional terms and conditions of the Customer are excluded, except when previously, in writing and expressly accepted.
Entrepreneur's Identity:
Rambling RoseLeopoldlaan 16
9500 Ophasselt
Mobile: +32 (0)468299345
E-mail: info@ramblingrose-servies.com
Company number: 0870292908
VAT number: BE0870292908
Artikel 2: Prijs
Alle vermelde prijzen zijn uitgedrukt in euro en, tenzij anders vermeld, inclusief btw. Indien leverings-, reservatie- of administratieve kosten worden aangerekend, wordt dit apart vermeld. De opgave van prijs slaat uitsluitend op de artikelen zoals het woordelijk wordt omschreven. De bijhorende foto’s zijn decoratief bedoeld en kunnen elementen bevatten die niet inbegrepen zijn in de prijs.
Artikel 3: Aanbod
Ondanks het feit dat de online catalogus en de e-commerce webshop met de grootst mogelijke zorgvuldigheid worden samengesteld, is het toch mogelijk dat de aangeboden informatie onvolledig is, materiële fouten bevat, of niet up-to-date is. Kennelijke vergissingen of fouten in het aanbod zijn niet bindend. De verkoper is in geen geval aansprakelijk ingeval van manifeste materiële fouten, zet- of drukfouten. Wanneer de Klant specifieke vragen heeft over bv. maten, kleur, beschikbaarheid, leveringstermijn of leveringswijze, verzoeken wij de Klant om vooraf contact op te nemen met onze klantendienst. Het aanbod geldt steeds zolang de voorraad strekt en kan te allen tijde worden aangepast of ingetrokken. De verkoper kan niet aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor het niet beschikbaar zijn van een product.
Artikel 4: Online aankopen
The Customer has the choice between the different payment options as offered during the ordering process. The Customer can also choose to pick up the product on location, where payment can also be made in cash. Digital payment is possible at that time! The seller is entitled to refuse an order pursuant to a serious deficiency of the Customer with respect to orders involving the Customer.
Article 5: Delivery and execution of the agreement
Any visible damage and/or qualitative deficiency of an item or other shortcoming in delivery must be reported by the Customer without delay. The risk due to loss or damage passes to the Customer as soon as he (or a third party designated by him, who is not the carrier) takes physical possession of the goods.
Article 6: Retention of title
The delivered items remain the exclusive property of the seller until the moment of full payment by the Customer.
Article 7: Right of withdrawal
The provisions of this article apply only to Customers who purchase items online in their capacity as consumers. The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within a period of 14 calendar days, unless otherwise provided, without giving reasons, given that the right of withdrawal applies to the good or service ordered by the Customer. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer, must inform the seller of its decision to withdraw from the contract in a timely manner by an unequivocal statement (e.g. in writing by post or e-mail). The Customer must return or hand over the goods immediately after his decision to withdraw from the contract. The direct costs of returning the goods shall be borne by the Customer unless otherwise agreed. If the returned product is somehow reduced in value, the right is reserved to hold the Customer liable and claim compensation for any reduction in value. Only items that are in their original packaging, together with all accessories, instructions for use and invoice or proof of purchase can be taken back. In case the contract includes the provision of services and if the Customer has requested that the provision of services begin during the withdrawal period, the Customer shall pay an amount proportionate to what has already been delivered at the time he has notified us that he is withdrawing from the contract, compared to the full performance of the contract.”
Article 8: Garantie
Under the Act of September 21, 2004 on consumer protection in the sale of consumer goods, consumers have legal rights. This legal warranty applies from the date of delivery to the first owner. To invoke the warranty, the Customer must be able to present proof of purchase. The warranty (commercial and/or legal) never applies to defects caused by accidents, neglect, falls, use of the item contrary to purpose for which it was designed, non-compliance with the instructions for use or manual, modifications or alterations to the item, heavy-handed use, poor maintenance, or any other abnormal or incorrect use.
Article 9: Penalties for non-payment.
Without prejudice to the exercise of other rights, in the event of non-payment or late payment, the Customer shall be liable, as of the date of the default, by operation of law and without notice, to pay interest on the unpaid amount. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the right is reserved to take back the items not paid (in full).
Artikel 10: Privacy policy
The vendor reserves the right to collect user data for internal use only, either directly through the collection of data provided by the user at the time of the order or indirectly (e.g., through the use of cookies, which are short strings of data on the site user's computer that allow the vendor to tailor the content and layout of the site to the user).This data will not be passed on to organizations contractually bound to the vendor. In accordance with the law of December 8, 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to personal data, users have the right to access, modify, correct and delete such data at any time if they no longer wish to receive information about our activities. To do so, they may contact the vendor's customer service department in writing.
Article 11: Infringement of validity - non-violation
If any provision of these Terms is held invalid, illegal or void, this shall in no way affect the validity, legality and applicability of the other provisions. The failure at any time by the seller to enforce any of the rights enumerated in these Terms, or to exercise any right hereunder, shall never be deemed a waiver of such provision and shall never affect the validity of such rights.
Article 12: Modification of conditions
These Conditions are supplemented by other conditions explicitly referred to, and the seller's general conditions of sale. In case of contradiction, these Conditions shall prevail.
Article 13: Applicable law
Het Belgisch recht is van toepassing. De rechtbanken van de woonplaats van de Verkoper zijn bevoegd bij gerechtelijke geschillen. De Verkoper kan zich ook wenden tot het ODR-platform.